The Naked Neck People

Dan Prynne and Pauline Prynne breeders of rare and pure breed poultry

Sunday, 5 June 2011

The Naked Necks!

A couple of  9 week old Red Hybrid Naked Neck pullets.

My Black Hybrid Naked Neck Cockerel courtesy of Cheryl.

A few pics of my large fowl pair of Black Naked Necks. (Dafyed and Mefanwe)

Gazza, a White Naked Neck Cockerel. With his Black lady-friend are (hopefully) going to give me some little white chicks soon!! fingers crossed...

one of my largely over weight black hybrid girl, 4kg!


  1. Haha love the hen on the scales... most girls spend far too much time weighing themselves, will she be going to fat club x

  2. Hahaha yeah she's a bit on the heavy side for my liking...

    Fat Fighters here we come

  3. big girls are more juicy..

  4. hahaha i guess they are, certainly more cuddly ;)
